3rd ENISA-FORTH Summer School on NIS ‘Privacy and Security in the Future Internet’, 13-17 September, 2010, Greece. The programme of NIS’2010 include key experts such as Mikko Hyppönen of F-Secure, Bruce Schneier of BT, and EDPS' Peter Hustinx, covering a range of topics that extend beyond pure technological areas towards economic, policy, and legal issues.
3rd ENISA-FORTH Summer School on NIS ‘Privacy and Security in the Future Internet’, 13-17 September, 2010, Greece
ENISA - the European Network and Information Security Agency and the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) http://www.ics.forth.gr/ are jointly organising the 3rd Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS’2010). The event will take place in Crete, Greece, between the 13th and the 17th of September 2010.
Key speakers announced:
The programme of NIS’2010 includes key note experts such as Mikko Hyppönen, Chief Research Officer at F-Secure, Bruce Schneier, Chief Security Technology Officer of BT, and the EDPS Peter Hustinx. This mix of speakers will be covering a range of topics that extend beyond pure technological areas towards economic, policy, and legal issues.
Each edition of the Summer School on NIS is devoted to a specific theme. The special theme of this year’s event is ‘Privacy and Security in the Future Internet’.
ENISA and FORTH have taken the initiative to create this Summer School following the recognition of the importance of NIS and the need for raising awareness. The Summer School aims to provide a forum for experts in Information Security, policy makers from EU Member States and EU institutions, decision makers from the industry, as well as members of the research and academic community, for interacting on cutting edge and interesting topics in NIS.
For further information and to subscribe to updated news, please refer to http://www.nis-summer-school.eu or send an email message to [email protected].
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